REVIEW: Don’t Read the Comments by Eric Smith

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Divya is known as D1V in Reclaim the Sun, a space exploration video game. She streams her game play which builds her list of followers and secures her sponsors. The sponsorships are helping her and her mom cover rent and food. Divya’s dad bailed on them. Her mom works two part time jobs while finishing graduate school. Divya doesn’t want to see her mom quit when she is so close to being done. But those part time jobs aren’t close to enough to keep them afloat.

Aaron is a writer and a gamer. His dream is to write the scripts for video games. He’s even done some of that for a small local company called ManaPunk – although they still haven’t paid him for his work. He loves exploring Reclaim the Sun with his friends (they tend to destroy eachother a lot, though), recently discovering a Level 4 planet and letting his little sister name it Planet Butts.

The majority of gamers are good people looking for a fun experience or a diversion. But just like in social media circles, there are trolls, people who target others because of their gender or race or some other reason. They harass those folks until they get scared or fed up and leave the game. A group of trolls calling themselves The Vox Populi have Divya in their sights. But she’s not giving up Reclaim the Sun, her streaming channel, and the life she’s built without a fight.


Grrr, the trolls in this are infuriating! I loved Divya and her friend Rebekah, and I hated the garbage they went through just to have equal access to a game they loved.

Aaron is sweet. I enjoyed his relationship with his little sister. It’s pretty standard in gaming stories like this for there to be a teen who wants to work in gaming and a parent who thinks it’s a bad idea. And Aaron’s mom covers that part of the story. I liked that Aaron and his friend Ryan were involved with gaming, but not on the coding side like you find in a lot of books like this. These guys are involved in the writing and the art side, which made this feel a little different and fresh.

One of my favorite parts of this were the kids – many of them girls – in Divya’s “Angst Armada.” I was hoping in the end that Divya, Rebekah, Aaron and Ryan would build a game for these girls – a safe, fun place to play where they didn’t have to deal with the likes of the Vox Populi. Ugh, those guys were the worst.

I thought it was odd that the Vox Populi didn’t have a stronger motive than general dislike, at least not one they articulated. But I think it’s likely on purpose. No matter what their motive, it’s all based on hate and fear. Divya had something – notoriety, fame, a following, sponsorships – that these guys felt they deserved, and they tried to shut her down. I was thrilled when she chose to stand up to them. The ending was great – so satisfying! If you enjoy gaming stories (like Ready Player One), and stories of teens who fight back against the trolls (like Slay) be sure to check this one out. (Language, TW: assault, harassment)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥