REVIEW: The Expectant Detectives by Kat Ailes

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Alice and Joe move out of London to a small country village  anticipating the arrival of their first child. One of their early social activities is attending a prenatal class. It’s information the couple is likely to need, and they get to meet other couples on the same journey.

No one expected their second class to contain an unexpected birth – and an unexpected death.  But when the paramedics show up for the former, they discover the latter. And now everyone in the class is a murder suspect.


What. A. Hoot! I love a book that can make me literally laugh out loud, and this one did. Often at passages about Helen, the dog. This is an excellent mystery that kept me guessing until the end, and also a great book that kept me laughing.

The set up for this, with the third trimester pregnant sleuths and their fledgling friendship, was clever and fun. There’s a good bit of birth-related content here, and I enjoyed it from the humor to the worry and anxiety. It all felt so familiar, even though I was pregnant decades ago.

I was thrilled to see that book 2 in the Expectant Detectives, Dead Tired, is scheduled to release this summer. That’s a must read for me. Mystery fans who don’t mind some foul language and/or don’t have sensitivity around pregnancy-related content should absolutely snap this up. It’s such a fun ride!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

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