REVIEW: Have You Seen an Elephant? by Elina Ellis

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Kids Can Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


A young explorer who loves elephants heads out on an expedition to find one. But while she finds all sorts of other animals, she keeps missing the elephants. Along the way, she shares the elephant facts from her journal with the other animals (and the reader).


Great elephant facts delivered in a fun way in this clever story! This was terrific, and I hope it’s only the beginning of Alex’s adventures. The artwork is fantastic, and I think kids will love it. This might work best as a lap book as kids are going to want to track all of the elephant sightings that Alex is missing.

The book includes instructions for young readers to make their own animal journals as well as information on the endangered species status of both the African and Asian elephants. I think this would work well for a classroom or library program where kids could also make an animal journal like Alex’s.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½ = I loved it! Would re-read.

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