REVIEW: Harley Quinn: Reckoning by Rachael Allen

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Between Harley’s own experiences of abuse and misogyny and what happens to her friend, Bernice, at a frat party, Harley’s decided she’s not going to take it any more.

Her retaliation against Bernice’s attacker catches some attention, and other girls come forward wanting to punish some of the more egregious examples of sexism and abuse on campus. Together they become The Reckoning.

But when members of The Reckoning are targeted, including Bernice, who has become something more than just a friend, Harley is desperate to find out what is happening to the people who have become like family to her and protect them.


Harley is not a character in the DC Universe I’ve read a lot about. I have mostly a passing familiarity with her. But I have enjoyed this DC Icons series for years, so of course I picked up the latest addition.

The author does an amazing job with teasing out Harley’s darkness while still keeping her endearing. You are rooting for her – to triumph over her family and living situation, to get to pursue her dreams. But at the same time you cringe at revenge (real or imagined) taken too far. I found myself torn between the visceral desire to see the misogynists and abusers brought low and the line between right and wrong in the eyes of the law. There’s a lot said here about what it’s like for women in STEM for readers to consider as well.

All of the things I know about Harley from previous encounters – her brilliance, her fascination with the Joker, her own penchant for violence, her sexuality, her interest in psychology – are all tucked into this story. Again, the author does this in such a natural way while still telling her own story. It’s really well done. My only complaint is that I feel the timeline could have been more clear. The book starts in one place, then jumps back in time, and then jumps a couple more times. Hopefully this will be more clear in the final published version of the story.

I didn’t realize until the end that this is launching a trilogy of books. I have my fingers crossed about the next subject after a teaser in the book. I’m not sure if “trilogy” means they will all focus on Harley, or if it is more of a Sirens trilogy – but I’m here for it no matter what. HQ fans and DC fans should be sure to pick this one up. (Some language, reference to sexual assault/child abuse and neglect/emotional abuse, grief and loss)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read

BONUS REVIEW: Prodigal Son by Gregg Hurwitz

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


The Nowhere Man, Evan Smoak, is retired from government work  and from being a vigilante fixer. He expects that to mean the Nowhere Man phone will stop ringing. But that is not the case. Even more surprising? The latest caller insists that she’s his birth mother.

The woman asks Evan to help a man named Andrew Duran. Andrew witnessed a murder and was set up to take the fall. He’s on the run, and Evan is curious enough about the whole thing to try to find him.

But this case, that can’t be a case because Evan is retired and could lose his pardon, is going to bring Evan face to face with his childhood. And even though he knows his own Commandment Four by heart, this case is definitely personal.


Wow!! There is a LOT going on here. The core of the book is the trouble Andrew Duran is in and how Evan plans to help him. And just when I think Hurwitz has hit the peak of his bad guy plots, he writes another one that takes things to a whole new level. The story in this book will literally chase Evan to the final page. Fans of this suspense series will find all the usual series pieces they love in this book. But there’s so much more.

My husband is a HUGE fan of this series. He gave me book one, Orphan X, to read early last year (♥♥♥♥), and then challenged me to read book 3, Hellbent, last summer (♥♥♥♥½) because he thought I might enjoy the series a little more with the addition of Evan’s teen protégé, Joey. I also read book 4, Out of the Dark (♥♥♥♥), but did not enjoy the start of book 5, so I skipped it. I have also read the three short stories with mixed reviews (“The List,” Joey’s story, was outstanding! – ♥♥♥♥♥).  All that to say, I show up to this series for Joey, frankly, and for the relationship between her and Evan. I like Evan well enough, and his cases are pretty interesting. But the violence can be a bit much for me at times, and the missions drag in the middle for me. That’s not a knock on this series. I feel the same way about other suspense thrillers. I completely skip the Baldaccis my husband loves for this reason. But Joey and Even keep me returning to this one. Every scene with Joey is a delight. I love her on her own, but I absolutely adore what her presence does for Evan.

Then, in Prodigal Son, Hurwitz adds a new interpersonal wrinkle – the supposed birth mother. Her call forces Evan to look at his childhood, and his current relationships, in new ways. (The book includes scenes from Evan’s childhood in foster care which were fascinating.) I especially enjoyed watching how this mom issue shifted Evan’s relationship with Joey. This whole aspect of the story was brilliant. It added a fantastic new layer to Evan.

The ending will leave readers gasping – and grasping for the next volume. I have book 7, which hasn’t even been announced yet, on my mental wish list. I have to see what will happen next! Series fans will NOT want to miss this.

While I think you could probably read this without the rest of the series, I think it would be frustrating to not understand the interplay between characters, and Evan’s full history. So if you are new to the Orphan X series, start at the beginning and enjoy the ride. (I have skipped book 2 and 80% of book 5 without issue. I don’t think the short stories are essential reading, but “The List” is my favorite of the three.) This is one of the best books in the series, and thriller fans should not miss it. (Language, violence, alcohol addiction, vaping, sexual references, TW: rape and sexual assault, child abuse)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.