REVIEW: Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Mama Joy passed away, her legacy was far bigger than her knitting shop, Strong Knits, in Harlem. There were her sons – Damian, Lucas, Noah and Jesse – all adopted out of the foster care system. There was Kerry, the young woman Mama Joy mentored as she worked in the shop. Kerry had just finished her degree in art therapy. She had been working part time at the yarn shop while she waited for a full time position in her field. Then there were the neighborhood kids like Errol. Mama Joy had made a difference in so many lives.

That’s why Jesse wants to keep the shop open. Strong Knits was Mama Joy’s dream. His older brothers have their own lives. They are ready to put those memories behind them. But this shop – and their home above it – isn’t something Jesse is ready to give up. Unfortunately, Jesse’s track record for employment and general follow through isn’t great. His brothers are reluctant to keep the shop open with Jesse in charge.

But Kerry offers to help him. She can’t believe the words actually came out of her mouth. Maybe it was her long time crush on Jesse. Or her devotion to Mama Joy. Maybe it was her gratitude for all Mama Joy and the shop meant to her. Whatever it was, Kerry has now locked her future to the store and to Jesse for the time being, come what may.


There’s a lot to love about a book with confident male characters who knit and feel no shame over it! This made me want to take up knitting – and I’ve tried before with disastrous results.

I got a huge kick out of the Strong brothers. Luke and Noah are my favorites of the four. Jesse grew on me over time here. I especially loved the relationship he starts building with Errol. I can’t tell right now if this is going to be a series, but if it is, I’d like to see more from that relationship in the future.

While I enjoyed the characters in this as well as the save-the-store thread of the book, I was frustrated by the pacing. At the halfway point I felt like there had been a whole like of talking and overthinking, but not nearly enough action. There was no real plan for the store at that point, and no one was really doing anything, but they talked a lot about how urgent it was to save the shop. I think I would have liked more time for the events in the last 1/3 of the book – which were an absolute delight! The end felt rushed for me. I wanted time to linger over the more satisfying parts of the book.

Fans of contemporary romance should check this out. Readers on the hunt for romance books with non-white characters should bump this one up on their reading lists, too. The Strong brothers have the potential for some excellent stories! (Language, sexual references)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: The Boy Next Story by Tiffany Schmidt

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Amulet Paperbacks in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Rory and her older sister, Merrilee, got into Hero High, it was supposed to be this “great opportunity.” Their oldest sister, Lilly, was marrying into a senator’s family, and the senator used her influence to get the girls into Reginald R. Hero High. Nevermind that her influence led to some resentment by some students and administrators about the girls skirting the rules and procedures. While Merrilee had negotiated a lot of that, and emerged triumphant, Rory was dealing with her own struggles.

Rory’s early weeks at Hero were not filled with a lot of academic success. It’s hard to be the little sister to someone as brilliant – and as personable – as Merri. And the one place that should have been a safe haven for Rory – the art room – was a bigger minefield than any of her academic classes. In Advanced Art, the freshman and “new girl” stuck out. And the resentment of the older students meant her easel was always under “accidental” assault. Her projects were “lost” or “destroyed” constantly. School was one disaster after another for Rory.

Even her life outside school was filled with complications. Her forever-crush, Toby, was her next door neighbor. There was no avoiding him. That meant she also couldn’t avoid seeing how he looked at Merri. Toby’s affection for Merri was at war with his hurt at seeing her fall for someone else. It was painful for Rory to watch while her own feelings of longing were obviously never going to be returned.

Two reading assignments for the mysterious Ms. Gregoire stir up a lot of questions and feelings for Rory as she considers her school woes, her family relationships, and her crush. She’s embarking on a life and literature adventure she won’t ever forget.


When book 1, Bookish Boyfriends: A Date with Darcy released last year, there was no way I wasn’t going to read it. Books, romance and a possibly magical teacher pulling strings to use literature to instruct her students on life? SIGN ME UP! And book one was a DELIGHT in all ways – characters, story, heart. And I re-read it before starting this one so all the story details would be fresh for me.

That re-read actually made me a little nervous about reading this book. I loved Merri in book 1.  Her voice is a huge part of why I enjoyed that first story. Since this is Rory’s story, I was concerned I wouldn’t connect with her like I did with Merri.

Rory’s voice and story is EVEN BETTER!

I almost don’t have words for how much I adored this book. I think chapter 3 was when I started crying and fell in love with Rory. All the sharp, snarky attitude and behavior in book 1 suddenly made complete sense. I could see all the ways Rory developed to protect herself – from feeling “not enough” or left out or “settled for.” And this is a young woman who should never feel like she is second fiddle to anyone – no one should. I bookmarked more than 40 spots that were just magical for me in this story. Actually, I wasn’t even 1/4 through the review copy when I set it aside to pre-order my own copy. I am a fanatic for this story!

Just like with Merri’s story, Rory works through two books with Ms. Gregoire – The Great Gatsby and Little Women. As with book 1, I’ve only read one of those books, but I was completely able to follow the action here anyway. I almost felt like I was reading two whole books because of the depth of Rory’s story related to both of these classic novels. The author does not skimp through the arc of the first to get to the second. Both were important – to the story and to Rory’s growth.

I gushed at the author on social media because I just could not contain how much I was adoring this story. (It was too early to talk about it online because it wasn’t going to release for another month or two.) She told me book three will be Talk Nerdy to Me (2020), and she’s already at work on book 4. This series is now firmly on my “must buy” list. The richness in the characters and the stories are not to be missed. At every page turn, my heart sang, “I LOVE this book!” I could not have asked for a more perfect book for me.

I feel like there’s a lot for readers to learn here from Rory – what happens for her when she speaks her truth, how her feelings have driven her behavior, what role she should play when she’s unhappy in a relationships, etc. You do NOT want to miss this book – be sure to check out A Date with Darcy and then scoop up The Boy Next Story too. Perfect for summer reading. I can’t recommend this highly enough.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++

REVIEW: Eden Conquered by Joelle Charbonneau


Andreus survived the Trials of Succession and has been crowned king. But he is still heartbroken at the death of his beloved and the betrayal of his sister Carys. And things in Eden and with the Council seem… off in various ways. The winds don’t blow, the lights that protect the city seem to flicker in ways that make Andreus nervous. He is starting to wonder if the things he has believed about the people around him were ever really true.

Carys is actually alive and relatively well. She and Larkin and Garret and Erick are in hiding but on the move in search of answers and the truth about what happened to the king and crown prince. Erick and Garret are both working angles, and she’s not sure she can trust either of them. Other than Larkin, there’s no one Carys trusts completely. And throughout her hunt for the truth, the wind whispers to her to let go and loose her powers against her enemies once and for all.


I read book one, Dividing Eden, last year and really enjoyed it. I also read the novellas – Forbidden Fruit and Into the Garden. About half way through this one I stopped to re-read the novellas again. They are really helpful for rounding out the story!

This book was immensely twisty. There are so many schemes and side plots to work through, so many characters pulling strings to achieve their own agendas. It made for an exciting reading experience.

I really enjoyed the core characters, especially Carys and Andreus in this book. I was pleased with how the pieces all came together in the end.

I’ve been a Joelle Charbonneau fan since I first read The Testing (book one in a dystopian trilogy). She consistently delivers a great story! Be sure to read this duology in order and don’t forget the novellas.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Still a Work in Progress


Noah is a 7th grader, navigating the ups and downs of middle school. Crushes, dating, school work, friends… family. And something is definitely up with Noah’s family. There’s the “incident” that no one will talk about, the family tension at meal times, and the sense that everyone is walking on eggshells. Noah feels most at home in art, doing sculpture. But that creative outlet may not be enough to help Noah through all that his 7th grade year will entail.

Still a Work in Progress


Oh, this book. Noah is a fantastic character. I loved his honesty and loved how he tried to process all the things going on around him. The author does a great job of planting hints about what is coming. And she does it in a way that doesn’t diminish the emotion when it all becomes clear. The issue at the core of Noah’s family stuff is handled honestly and realistically. No quick fixes. No idealistic reactions. Things are raw and real – at a middle grade-appropriate level. This is a book I would read again and again.
