REVIEW: Still a Work in Progress


Noah is a 7th grader, navigating the ups and downs of middle school. Crushes, dating, school work, friends… family. And something is definitely up with Noah’s family. There’s the “incident” that no one will talk about, the family tension at meal times, and the sense that everyone is walking on eggshells. Noah feels most at home in art, doing sculpture. But that creative outlet may not be enough to help Noah through all that his 7th grade year will entail.

Still a Work in Progress


Oh, this book. Noah is a fantastic character. I loved his honesty and loved how he tried to process all the things going on around him. The author does a great job of planting hints about what is coming. And she does it in a way that doesn’t diminish the emotion when it all becomes clear. The issue at the core of Noah’s family stuff is handled honestly and realistically. No quick fixes. No idealistic reactions. Things are raw and real – at a middle grade-appropriate level. This is a book I would read again and again.
