REVIEW: My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Cassie Greenberg desperately needs a place to live. She’s being evicted. And she doesn’t want charity from her best friend who is newly married and shouldn’t have to deal with a “houseguest.” And she’s found an option on Craigslist – but it seems too good to be true.

In the end, she decides she can’t be picky and moves in with the unusual Frederick J. Fitzwilliam. He says he sleeps all day and is out most nights, so they’ll hardly ever see each other. Cassie finds his oddly formal language and decorating choices quirky. But he likes her sketches, left at the bottoms of their notes to one another. Things start to smooth out as they settle into a routine. But when Cassie finds their fridge full of blood, it throws a serious wrench into their living situation.


First of all, despite reading the premise for this book before requesting the ARC, I still was operating on the thought that this vampire business would be a big misunderstanding in the end. I was wrong in a big way.

Second, when my husband read the premise of this book, he immediately understood what would happen. And he thought it sounded so quirky and fun, he insisted on buying his own copy. So we both read it at the same time like we were in a husband/wife book club. It was adorable if I do say so myself.

The story here is fun! I liked Cassie and Frederick. They are fascinating on their own – him a centuries old vampire in modern day Chicago and her a young artist devoted to her vision while struggling to  convince others of her work’s value. Together they are adorable. There’s tons of heat and chemistry between them, and there’s a half a chapter or so that was far too spicy to read at work on my lunch hour.

The book’s climax was fairly low stakes and pretty easily resolved, all things considered. It was a bit of a disappointment – I was expecting something with a bit more punch. If you are looking for a spicy paranormal romance that’s not too angsty and stressful, I’d suggest you give this a look. For me it was a fun and somewhat unexpected story. (Language, sex)

Rating: ♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥½ = Good +