REVIEW: Star Trek: The Wisdom of Picard edited by Chip Carter

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Adams Media in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

This gift book/reference book includes quotes from one of Star Trek’s most well-known and well-loved captains, Jean-Luc Picard, both from The Next Generation TV series and movies as well as from the new Picard series. There are also photos of the character throughout the book.

The quotes are separated into five sections – philosophy and humanity, history and science, literature and the arts, exploration and adventure, and finally politics, leadership and diplomacy.

In my review copy, all of the quotes included the name of the episode where they came from. Only some of them included the name of the show and the season number as well. I assume that the printed versions include this information for every quote. There is no context given for the quote, other than the episode name, but sometimes the quote is given as part of the conversation it was part of.

I think this will be a fun resource for Star Trek and Picard fans. Some readers are going to recognize the quotes immediately. Others will recognize the episode titles and be able to fill in the context on their own. Still others will use the episode citations to go back and revisit the moments for a refresher.

I was sad that there was no indexing or cross referencing for the quotes. I would have liked a way to see which quotes came from which seasons or maybe which ones were said to or about a specific character or alien race. As it is, this is a fun stroll down memory lane for Star Trek fans. I’m not sure newcomers will get as much out of this except maybe as a prompt to watch a specific episode to find out more about a particular quote. But with only a few words or a few lines, I’m not sure it would be enough to draw novices in.

Rating: ♥♥♥½*
