REVIEW: Revenge of the Red Club by Kim Harrington


Riley Dunne’s school life seems to crumble overnight. First, her middle school newspaper is shut down. She writes one article about the cafeteria’s “gluten free” chicken nuggets – which aren’t actually gluten free and make her friend sick – and the principal shuts it down indefinitely.

Then the school starts cracking down on dress code violations. But the rules only target the girls and leave them feeling like they should be ashamed of their bodies. Even the boys are finding the rules insulting. Like they don’t have enough self-control to see a bare shoulder and still concentrate in class.

But the biggest disruption is when the Red Club is shut down. The Red Club is a support group for the middle school girls who are getting their periods. Someone puts supplies in an empty locker as well as several pairs of sweatpants for accidents. And the girls get to meet in the library every week and encourage one another, answer questions, and help each other when they’re hassled by boys or have embarrassing moments at school. It’s one of the best parts of Riley’s week. And it too gets taken away.

The final straw is when one of the girls is dress coded from attending a dance. She was one of the event planners, but her dress was deemed “inappropriate,” and she was barred from the event. Riley is in the exact same dress. But because she doesn’t fill it out as well, she’s not dress coded. It’s one more attack on the girls at the school. And they’ve decide they aren’t going to roll over and take it any more.


This was fantastic!! I LOVE a good girl power story (Moxie, Ban this Book, Suggested Reading, Maybe He Just Likes You, The Hate You Give, Slay, etc.), and this one is terrific! Riley’s family tells her that her superpower is how she uses her words. Cue the heart eyes! (I would have loved to have Riley’s articles included in the book to showcase that.) But the “girl power” isn’t just the rebellion that is kicked off at the school after the changes to policy. It’s the way the girls support one another – recognizing their individual gifts (business, writing, gymnastics, fashion/make up) and supporting them ALL.

And if the great girls aren’t enough, there are also great guys in this. I love the ones who see and understand what the girls are trying to do – and then they show up and take action! Fantastic!

Then there are the adults, both the ones who support the girls all along, and the ones who catch on later. They’re all great! My favorite scene was when Riley and her mom meet with the principal. It’s perfection.

This book is brilliant. The story is a delight – an engaging tale, characters you want to cheer for, and a chance to see some wrongs righted, even if only in fiction. The only thing that could have made this better in my opinion would be the addition of Riley’s articles as well as instructions for readers who want to start their own Red Club. Outstanding!! Do NOT miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥