REVIEW: Powerless by Tera Lynn Childs and Tracy Deebs


In a world of superheroes and super villains, Kenna is powerless. She lives and works in the hero world, though. Her mom is one of their best scientists. Her best friend’s dad is the President of the Superhero League. Even without powers, Kenna knows what side she’s on. Until that night in the lab…

Three villains break in one night when Kenna is working late. She fights back, even without powers. And the immunity serum her mom has been giving her secretly for years keeps the villains from using their powers against her.

Still, while she survives the attack, it raises a lot of questions for Kenna. What were the villains after? Why would one of them protect her? Why does her mom reference the same secret lab level the villains did and then try to pass it off as a misstatement? Is it possible that the heroes aren’t as awesome and flawless as Kenna always thought?

Maybe, if Kenna sneaks back into the lab, she can find some answers to her questions. Or maybe she will find her whole world turned upside down.


I loved this superhero story! Kenna’s a great, strong character. Even without the protections others enjoy, she doesn’t back down from a fight. She reminds me of some of my favorite female characters from other stories. Even as she wrestles with the things she discovers, her first thought is doing the right thing, no matter what.

The world building is great. I feel like I only have the barest hint of the full picture of the heroes and villains in this story. So many things are yet to be revealed in book 2. I wish I could share more about the world and the story, but I’m afraid that will spoil the story for new readers. I will say I loved the set up  and the various reveals. The story is terrific.

I enjoyed the full cast of characters, not just Kenna. It’s an eclectic group – in powers and in personalities. The twists and turns of the story leaves the team in some disarray by the end. I will need the sequel, Relentless, as soon as possible! (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½

REVIEW: Lois Lane: Fall Out by Gwenda Bond


Lois Lane and her family have moved to Metropolis. Her dad hopes a more permanent post might give Lois some stability. And it is Lois’ intention to stay out of trouble at her new school. For once.

But that commitment to keep her head down and do what her dad expects goes right out the window when Lois sees a student being bullied. The principal ignores it. Actually says bullying helps toughen kids up and makes them prepared for the real world.

So Lois uses her job as a student reporter for the Daily Planet’s teen online newspaper to report what she’s seeing and hearing. Before long, everything blows up in her face – she’s grounded and threatened with military school, her friend has been sucked in by the bullies, and another friend is in danger.

If the powers that be think a little turmoil is going to get Lois Lane to back down, they really don’t understand her at all!


Such a FUN take on the Lois Lane/Superman story! In this case, they are teens and only know each other online. Lois has no idea who SmallvilleGuy really is but the reader gets to enjoy little nods to the Clark Kent/Superman character.

Lois is fantastic. She’s like some of my favorite teen characters – Tess from The Fixer or Lizzie from Gini Koch’s Alien series. She has no tolerance for bullies or injustice. She’s willing to deal with the personal consequences of doing the right thing. The cast around her is great. I can’t wait to read book 2 and get to know them better.

The mystery is good. It’s bullying on the surface but much more underneath. There’s a supernatural/X-files-ish tone to it that was interesting and unexpected. The ending is satisfying but several loose ends remain which may come into play in future stories.

Great mystery. Smart, strong characters. I’m looking forward to reading the other books in this series. Book 2 is Double Down. Book 3 is Triple Threat.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

REVIEW: Madly (The Potion Diaries) by Amy Alward


Samantha comes from a long line of alchemists – potion makers without magic but with a gift for mixing and creating potions for whatever ails you. When the princess gets a bad potion, all the alchemists in the kingdom are summoned to join the hunt for a cure. The one who can make a potion to cure the princess wins gold and magic! Too bad for Samantha that her grandfather refuses to join the hunt. She’s just an apprentice. What can she do?

madly potion-diaries


Ever since I first saw the cover for The Potion Diaries, I have wanted to read it. I thought about it all summer long, counting down to the October release date.

Then in September I realized that it’s not a new book, but a re-packaged book. My local library had had Madly, the same story but with a different title and cover, all along!!

The story is fantastic. The potion/magic pieces create the world, but the characters are the story. Stephanie and her family are great. I especially like how the world is set up with magic users and “ordinary” folks. Stephanie has a pretty easy time figuring out the ingredients thanks to her family gift. But actually obtaining those ingredients is another whole story!

The characters made this story for me! And the adventures in getting the potion ingredients kept me turning pages.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥


I read book 2, The Royal Tour, right after I finished Madly. It sagged at spots in the middle for me, but it was still enjoyable. I’m glad I pressed through the slow spots. The characters continue to be terrific. I loved seeing more of the princess and Sam’s sister in this book. Major cliffhanger at the end sets up book 3 to be a doozy!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥



REVIEW: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake


A set of triplets born to be Queen. Each girl born to eliminate the other two and win the crown. Katharine is a poisoner. Arsinoe is a naturalist. Mirabella is an elemental. Each girl is nurtured in her powers by factions that want their girl to win – and their group to be in power. Who will win? Who will die? And who can be trusted?

Three Dark Crowns


This was amazing from start to finish! If you are a fan of Young Adult fantasy, I highly recommend this story. The author did a great job making each of the sisters distinct. Each one has a unique “support system,” too. I expected to like one more than the others from the start. Maybe get more of her perspective. I thought there might be a clear favorite at the outset. But they were so different. I cared about them all. And even when I did develop a “favorite,” the author up-ended things enough to leave me wondering if she would still be my favorite when it’s all done.

The author does a fantastic job of hinting at backstory, but she does it sparingly so that even at the end, we have unanswered questions. The ending was HUGE and sets up the next book perfectly. My only complaint is having to wait so long for it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥