REVIEW: Madly (The Potion Diaries) by Amy Alward


Samantha comes from a long line of alchemists – potion makers without magic but with a gift for mixing and creating potions for whatever ails you. When the princess gets a bad potion, all the alchemists in the kingdom are summoned to join the hunt for a cure. The one who can make a potion to cure the princess wins gold and magic! Too bad for Samantha that her grandfather refuses to join the hunt. She’s just an apprentice. What can she do?

madly potion-diaries


Ever since I first saw the cover for The Potion Diaries, I have wanted to read it. I thought about it all summer long, counting down to the October release date.

Then in September I realized that it’s not a new book, but a re-packaged book. My local library had had Madly, the same story but with a different title and cover, all along!!

The story is fantastic. The potion/magic pieces create the world, but the characters are the story. Stephanie and her family are great. I especially like how the world is set up with magic users and “ordinary” folks. Stephanie has a pretty easy time figuring out the ingredients thanks to her family gift. But actually obtaining those ingredients is another whole story!

The characters made this story for me! And the adventures in getting the potion ingredients kept me turning pages.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥


I read book 2, The Royal Tour, right after I finished Madly. It sagged at spots in the middle for me, but it was still enjoyable. I’m glad I pressed through the slow spots. The characters continue to be terrific. I loved seeing more of the princess and Sam’s sister in this book. Major cliffhanger at the end sets up book 3 to be a doozy!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥