REVIEW: The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan


Carter Kane and his dad are in London for Christmas to visit Carter’s sister, Sadie, who lives with their mom’s parents. After their mom died, the grandparents sued for custody, taking Sadie in. This left Carter to travel the world with his archaeologist father and only see his younger sister twice a year.

Going to the museum on Christmas Eve wasn’t Sadie’s idea of a great visitation plan. The whole evening had been weird. Carter and her dad had been late. There was that Amos guy who talked to their dad and then disappeared.

But all of that weird was nothing compared to the Rosetta Stone exploding in a bit of magical combat. Now their father is gone, the police are threatening to arrest them, and their uncle has magically whisked them away to Brooklyn.

Turns out, the Egyptian gods are real. And two of them are working with Carter and Sadie to help take down the evil god, Set. But the Egyptian magicians of the day don’t trust anything to do with the gods. So they, too, are trying to stop Carter and Sadie.


This book is 10 years old this year, and it’s been close to that long since I read it. At my first reading, I liked the story and the characters, but I preferred Percy Jackson’s world of Greek mythology. This is written for older middle grade readers – 10 and up.

My son assigned this to me as part of our Summer Reading Challenge, and I loved getting to read it after also reading the first five Percy books this summer.

The world building here is extensive. I don’t know if the magic system in Percy Jackson is just easier, or if Greek mythology is just more familiar. But grasping the details of the Egyptian gods as well as the magic system here felt like more work than with Percy.

I did like the other differences in this book. Carter and Sadie take turns telling the story, and there’s an interesting framework for readers that is more extensive than in the first Percy books. I also liked that Carter and Sadie have two fronts for battle – the magicians who don’t trust them and then the gods. I’d like to re-read the rest of this series – The Kane Chronicles – soon. I have enjoyed the return to this world.

I had forgotten the references to racism that are sprinkled throughout the book. (Carter’s parents were an interracial couple. Carter presents as Black, and Sadie presents as white.) Considering the discussions of race and racial justice from this summer, this book felt like a timely read. Sadly, little has changed in the last 10 years.

I think it’s easy for readers to dive into Percy because it’s more well known. But kids who love mythology stories should not miss this series. In the last 10 years, Riordan has expanded into Roman mythology and Norse mythology as well as launching a publishing imprint which has explored other racial and ethnic groups. There is a beautiful library of mythology stories to choose from these days. Don’t miss the Egyptian ones in this series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½*

*♥♥♥♥½= Loved it! Would re-read

REVIEW: Ra the Mighty, Cat Detective by Amy Butler Greenfield


Ra is the Pharaoh’s Cat. He lives a pampered life poolside with all the snacks he could want. Cats are revered in Egyptian culture. So Ra is living the good life!

When a stray kitchen cat named Miu asks Ra to help her prove a young servant didn’t steal a priceless amulet, Ra is not interested. He has the pool and snacks! Why would he want to do anything  but nap? Ra’s companion, Khepri the scarab (dung beetle) and Miu convince Ra to help them find the girl who is in hiding in the palace. When they find Tedimut, the servant girl pours her heart out to Miu about what happened (cats are great listeners), and Ra decides, after hearing her story, to help.

Ra and Khepri move about the palace, listening to the human occupants talk about the crime. But the animal occupants – Aar the leopard, Ini and Ibi the turtledoves, and Bebi the baboon – are helpful informants, too. But can a lazy, pampered cat and a dung beetle really  solve a mystery in the palace? And if they do, how will they get the humans to understand what really happened?


I loved this book! It’s marketed to the early chapter book crowd, but I feel like it’s really more of a young middle grade book. I think this will work for any elementary school kiddo who can handle the length of the book. The mystery is solid. There are a few possible suspects, and Ra and Khepri are fun detectives. I love how they figured out the solution AND were able to clue the humans in.

There are some classic detective schemes used in this one, including the clueless “detective” and the clever “assistant” who really does a lot of the mystery solving. Ra and Khepri make a great team, though. Khepri is insightful, smart and observant even if he is obsessed with dung. Ra wants to live up to his title as Pharaoh’s Cat, and he uses his access to the palace and his position to get them into all the places they need to go to solve the case. Miu is devoted to Tedimut, and she’s committed to doing what she can to save her.  And she knows just how to work Ra to help make that happen.

I loved this! I hope there are many more to come. The Egyptian history pieces, including an author’s note, give this great story an added layer of awesome. Highly recommend.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½