REVIEW: Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and DC Ink in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Mera is the princess of Xebel, an underwater kingdom under the rule of Atlantis. Mera calls to mind The Little Mermaid with her red hair (the only “color” in a shades-of-blue graphic novel) and her longing to be independent and understood.

Mera is fierce in her love of Xebel to the point of vandalism in rebellion against Atlantis. In fact, when she hears her father and her betrothed plotting to assassinate the Atlantean prince, Mera decides to do the job herself. Maybe then she can rule Xebel on her own.

Mera has no trouble finding the naïve prince at Amnesty Bay. And she has even less trouble drawing him in close enough to kill him. But while she waits to get her “land legs” and recover her strength, she discovers Arthur is no monster. He is a truly good person. And she can’t bring herself to end him. But other forces are not so reluctant – and they are converging on Amnesty Bay.


I enjoyed this one! I thought the storytelling and character development of this book was done more thoroughly than in Super Sons. It’s still a graphic novel, so the story is not as deep or intricate as it might be with a prose novel. But I felt the motives of the main characters were clear. Sure, the shift from murderer and target to a romantic couple was abrupt as far as time in the story passed, but it fit for the format of the story.

I loved the art work in this!! I thought it did a great job of working with and enhancing the text of the story.

The best friend character was kind of thin in development. And I’m not sure if the relationship with the trainer/mentor in Xebel was supposed to be romantic or maternal. But the main action of the story – Mera, Arthur, their families, etc. – was clear. There could have been more history on the underwater political situation, but again, for a graphic novel it was fine.

Readers who enjoy hero stories or enjoy Aquaman’s world should definitely check this book out – I think they will enjoy it! (Mild language, one panel with two men kissing.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥½