REVIEW: The Perfect Secret by Rob Buyea


Secrets abound when the kids from The Perfect Score return as seventh graders.

  • Gaven is ready to play some football, but being on the team isn’t what he expected.
  • Randi is in a great place with her mom, but a special gymnastics camp opens an unexpected door to their past.
  • Natalie is determined to lead the team in their effort to reunite Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Magenta (estranged mother and daughter), but she ends up leading a lot of other vital projects as well.
  • Scott learns that he has the perfect skills to be the stat guy for the football team, if only they’d give him a chance.
  • Trevor is safe from his brother and his friends, but the whole mess last year could be tearing his family apart.


Rob Buyea’s books are my favorite example of multiple points of view done well. Each of the kids has a great voice, and they can tell so many stories because each gets a moment on the “stage.” I think I love this group of kids even more than the group in the Mr. Terupt series. They are smart, caring kids. They are so good at looking outside of themselves and helping others.

The first book in the series looked at standardized testing. This one looks at immigration – among other things. It’s a pretty simple discussion of a very complex issue, but it’s handled really well. Middle school dating is introduced in this one, too – hand holding only. There are also pieces in this about racism, bullying and the trouble secrets can cause. My only complaint is that it felt like there is a lot of “we would learn later…” sorts of foreshadowing. I would have preferred the story to just happen, or maybe to just use that technique once or twice when it really mattered.

This is a series I highly recommend. I look forward to each new book. Book three – The Perfect Star  – will release in the fall.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

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