REVIEW: Rule of Threes by Marcy Campbell

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley  and Chronicle books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Maggie’s trying to get adjusted to being in middle school – new teachers, new building, new kids. And she’s noticing her friends are changing. Maggie, Olive, and Rachel have a small design business – Best Foot Forward – but Rachel’s been acting strangely and seems more interested in boys and a new friend.

Smack in the middle of that, Maggie discovers her dad had an affair before she was born. He has a son from this other relationship. And when Tony’s mom has to go into rehab, Tony ends up on Maggie’s doorstep, rocking the entire household.

Maggie is a designer. She understands the rules of design and she follows them. But it starts to feel like nothing in her world is following the rules any more.


What a fascinating story! It’s not often you’ll find a middle grade novel dealing with the fallout of an extramarital affair. But this is handled really well, and the focus stays on Maggie and Tony, two great characters. I loved watching Maggie’s compassion and empathy for Tony grow over time.

The design pieces were a fun way to develop Maggie as a character and as a metaphor for the changes she is dealing with in her life. It was a great thread all the way through the story from the way Maggie approaches the world to her relationship with her grandmother struggling with Alzheimer’s to the decorating contest at school.

Maggie’s family is walking through a lot of big things. And I loved how committed they were to each other through all of it. Don’t miss this great family story for readers 10 and older! (Drug use/abuse/overdose/rehab, marital infidelity)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

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