REVIEW: Not If I Save You First by Ally Carter


Maddie and Logan were only ten the night their lives completely changed. One minute they are dressed up and excited for a White House party. The next there are bullets, blood and Secret Service agents.

Before the reality of their experience can sink in, Maddie’s dad, former head of the Secret Service, whisks her off to  Alaska. They live in a remote area in a home that is essentially a shack. She’s homeschooled and trained for the dangers of the wilderness she now calls home. To keep her sanity in this new reality, Maddie writes letters to her best friend, Logan.

Every day.

For two years.

With no response.

When Logan shows up out of the blue six years after the White House party, tall, broad-shouldered and handsome, Maddie’s fury defies expression. He abandoned her when she needed a friend most. But her anger is cut short when they are attacked and Logan is kidnapped right before a big storm moves in. While Maddie would love to wring Logan’s neck herself, she’s going to have to save him from the kidnapper first.


I devoured this book in one sitting. It was too suspenseful – and too fun – to put down. The story was engrossing. Maddie and Logan have great chemistry. The writing is smart and fun (exactly what I have come to expect from Ally Carter).

One of my favorite parts was the letter from young Maddie to Logan that kicked off each chapter. The reader could “hear” how Maddie’s voice changed in the six years from her arrival in Alaska to Logan’s arrival. And that reflected the changes in her personality over that time.

My only complaint was that it ended too soon. I wanted more!! Well, not more suspense because that was tense. But I loved spending time with these characters. Maddie is so sharp and capable. She fits in with so many of my favorite female protagonists.

One of the factors I love most, though, is that I can recommend this to anyone. There’s no foul language or anything else that would make me hesitant to recommend this to middle grade readers ready for something more suspenseful or to teens (and parents) who don’t want the distraction of mature content. One of my former students, who was hit-and-miss with reading when she was younger, has discovered Ally Carter and it has changed her outlook about reading. I love that I can recommend this to her and not have to worry about content that is too mature for her at 11 or 12 years old. Yet the book also stands as a strong, enjoyable story for teens as well on the merits of the plot and outstanding characters. This may be my favorite Ally Carter book yet! I highly recommend this book.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

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