REVIEW: Frozen 2: Dangerous Secrets by Mari Mancusi

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Disney Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


As Agnarr and Iduna, the King and Queen of Arendelle, sail through storms in the Dark Sea in search of answers for their oldest daughter, they share the true story of their first meeting. Their life together was built on many secrets, but now they own their truth.

Twenty-six years earlier, Iduna was a girl, playing with the Wind Spirit on the day the Northuldra and the Arendellians would be finalizing the pact between them. Hiding and skulking around the Arendellian camp, she sees a boy about her age and hears that his name is Agnarr. She also hears his father derisively dismiss the magic of the forest.

Induna missed what started the fighting. All she knows for sure is that the Spirits are enraged. As the fighting continues, Agnarr is injured. Initially Iduna is torn between finding her family and rescuing the boy who would likely die before anyone else found him. But once she saves Agnarr, Iduna is trapped, hiding in a wagon while Arendellian soldiers accuse her people of being traitors. She can’t reveal herself or get back to her home.

Whatever will happen to her now?


{Possible SPOILERS for the Frozen movies!!}

In the movie, Frozen 2, we get to see Iduna rescue Agnarr. Eventually, we also find out what really happened that day in the Enchanted Forest. But this book focuses on what happens to Agnarr and Iduna when the Forest is engulfed in a magical mist and both teens have to leave family and friends trapped inside.

On its surface, this is the love story of a future king and an orphan girl with a secret past. This book shows how secrets and emotional choke-holds become common place in the palace. Elsa is not the first person told “Conceal. Don’t feel.”

My favorite parts were the hints and connections to the movies. The author does an excellent job of weaving these pieces in naturally to serve the story. Nothing felt forced or wedged in just to have an Easter Egg here and there.

The story carries the couple through all of the familiar moments from the movies, including their final quest for answers about Elsa’s powers. The book felt supremely satisfying for this Frozen fan. I highly recommend it!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.

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