BONUS REVIEW: To Fetch a Felon by Jennifer Hawkins

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Berkley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Emma Reed is starting over in Tervena, a village she remembers fondly from vacations in her childhood. She’s left the hustle and bustle of the London financial scene to follow her dream of opening a village tea shop.

Emma isn’t alone in this launch of her new life. She has Oliver, her corgi, with her. Her talking corgi. That’s right, Emma can understand Oliver. And Oliver has a lot to say – commentary on the smells of their new home, on the fish and chips counter in town, and on the fox he can smell at the house of the lady who yelled at Emma.

Emma’s first encounter with Victoria Roberts doesn’t go well. It’s even worse when she realizes Victoria owns the building Emma wants to use for her tea shop.

To make amends, Emma bakes the disagreeable woman some scones. But when Emma and Oliver try to deliver them, they find Victoria dead. And Oliver is certain something smells very wrong.


This was the second of two books in a row that I read where a dog is a point of view character. It’s a fun plot device, and it’s especially well executed here. Oliver is a treat! The author does a great job of writing Oliver and figuring out the “rules” for this world she creates including how a dog could be a factor in a mystery. Oliver tells part of the story in his own words, which is also a lot of fun. Oliver’s “voice” is fantastic and helps make a great story even better.

The mystery here is excellent. It’s twisty and Emma’s sleuthing – along with Oliver’s – is perfect. I loved the ways Oliver is able to help. But the author establishes some nice limitations to keep him from being too good at solving things. I was impressed with the whole construction of the story.

To Fetch a Felon is the first book in the new Chatty Corgi Mystery series. And it’s the perfect cozy launch – I loved Emma and the other characters in Trevena. The setting is lovely, and Oliver is a delight. Book 2, Murder Always Barks Twice, will release this summer and it’s already on my wishlist. This is a not-to-be-missed book for those who love cozy mysteries as well as for dog lovers. I can’t wait to read more of Emma and Oliver’s adventures.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

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