REVIEW: Counting Down with You by Tashi Bhuiyan

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Inkyard Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Karina’s parents are traveling for a month to Bangladesh to visit family, leaving her and her younger brother with their grandmother. And it’s just the break Karina needs. She never realized the anxiety she carries every day until she mentioned to her parents she might not want to go to medical school. She never even mentioned what she might study instead – English – before they completely freaked out. Their rules are plentiful and strict and not open for discussion.

Karina’s English teacher is her favorite, of course. So when she asks Karina to tutor another student, she agrees in order to not disappoint the woman. But she had no idea the student was Alistair Clyde. Ace is an enigma around school. His family is super rich, and his brother is super popular as well as being president of the student body. Ace on the other hand skips class and seems like a bad boy and a loner. Getting him to actually do any work in their tutoring sessions will take a miracle.

Karina has barely gotten Ace to engage in their study sessions when he announces to his family that they are dating. He doesn’t want anyone to know he needs a tutor. But if Karina’s parents find out she is spending any time with a boy, much less a white boy, they will explode. She will lose even the barest bit of freedom she currently has. She should just say no and make Ace deal with his family honestly. But she’s seen the dynamic with his dad and his brother. And she has a bit of understanding of what it’s like in a complicated family. So Karina agrees to go along with things until her parents get back. But as she counts down the days until their return, her heart doesn’t seem to remember that this is all supposed to be pretend.


This. Was. FANTASTIC! Wow! I didn’t expect to be captivated by this so quickly. But the characters are phenomenal! One minute I wanted to hug all of them, but the next I wanted to just stand back and admire the heart and the strength and the fierceness of them.

The book ran me through the full range of emotions. There were tons of laugh-out-loud moments, but there were also tearful ones. And there was one piece that made me want to stand up and cheer. I am so in awe of this story. The minute I finished, I wanted to pick it up and start all over.

Karina and Ace are magical together. I can’t get enough of them. There are some tough family moments here – hurtful, devastating conversations. But as painful as those moments are – for Karina and for Ace – they also shine a spotlight on the inner strength of these teens. There’s a LOT to discuss here. This would be excellent for a book club or a discussion group.

Do not miss this story! (Language, TW: panic attacks, parental shaming)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

*♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!

REVIEW: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy by Emmanuel Acho

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Roaring Brook Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]

Summary and Review

Emmanuel Acho is the creator behind the video series and book titled Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. This book takes some of the questions and topics from the adult content and formats them for kids 10 and up. Each chapter introduces a concept with a question. Then some history is given (“Let’s Rewind”) and the talk gets frank (“Let’s Get Uncomfortable”). Finally there are suggestions for what to do to take action about a particular concept (“Talk It, Walk It). Topics include things like the N-word/language, history of Blacks in America, bias, “color blindness,” privilege, the Confederate flag, systemic racism, and “reverse racism.”

The tone is conversational; I could actually hear the author’s speaking voice as I read. He never talks down to readers and often adopts a coaching tone, which I loved. But because of the seriousness of the topic, some of the material is heavy and intense. Struggling readers may need some assistance – reading chunks at a time, discussion groups/family conversation – to push through all of the material. And it is absolutely worth pushing through! This is an exceptionally good resource for kids, teens, and adults, including school personnel, pastors, youth workers, and helping professionals.

There are no citations in the text for some of the history and statistics the author gives, but there are references listed in the backmatter. There are also suggestions of other materials – books, documentaries – to go deeper. This is a starting point resource, not the be-all-end-all discussion of race and racism. But the history and context given makes this an excellent foundation to build on. As an adult, I found the history enlightening (and alarming), and the conversation frank and helpful. When I talk about race and racism with other adults, there are common refrains from those who do not believe racism is still an issue, those who want to “move on.” This includes terrific talking points and responses for people of all ages looking to grow in their understanding and practice of anti-racism.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

* ♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best!


REVIEW: Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado


Sometimes, Charlie wishes she was more like her best friend, Amelia. She’s stylish, athletic, and popular. Even Charlie’s mom acts like she’d rather have Amelia as her daughter. And Charlie’s crush, Cal, can’t get enough of Amelia, even though she shuts him down, hard, all the time.

Not only does Charlie’s mom seem to like Amelia better, but she’s always on Charlie about her weight.  She gave her an activity tracker so she can track Charlie’s steps. She sells meal replacement shakes online and pushes Charlie about using them. When Charlie’s dad died and her mom focused her grief on losing weight, the dynamic between them shifted dramatically. Charlie chose self-acceptance instead of obsessing about weight, or at least she is trying to.

As Charlie negotiates her junior year, her worsening relationship with her mom, and her first boyfriend, things come to a head that leaves her on shaky ground.


I adored this! It’s absolutely perfect – painful at times, sure, but so enjoyable overall. I loved Charlie! She, Amelia, and Brian made such a fantastic core group of characters. I would have loved a few more chapters with the characters at the end.

The writing and the story and the characters perfectly capture first love – and its sometimes all-consuming nature. The dynamic between Charlie and her mom also felt very real. I liked that, while progress was made, there were no instant solutions or easy answers to their issues (although, honest communication helped).

This is Charlie’s story of self-kindness, self-acceptance, and self-celebration. It’s a story *every* reader could enjoy and learn from. There were several moments where I wanted to mark the page or underline the writing – perfect little nuggets  I wanted to savor. This would make an excellent choice for a book group or discussion group. Don’t miss this one! (Language, LGBTQ+, TW: fat shaming)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Amelia Unabridged by Ashley Schumacher

[I received a free electronic review copy of this from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


Amelia and Jenna became best friends on one of the worst days of Amelia’s life. Jenna’s family welcomed Amelia in as a daughter. And they gave her a sense of home. As a graduation gift, they even send the girls to a book festival in California where they have VIP tickets to see a presentation by Amelia’s favorite author, N. E. Endsley.

But Endsley cancels his session. Amelia is devastated.

To make matters worse, Jenna explains that she met Endsley. The immensely private author was having a panic attack. And Jenna told him to be true to himself and do what was necessary to care for himself, so he left. Amelia was incensed. Jenna met him? And made him leave? The fight after that was probably the first of their friendship.

And the last.

Jenna is killed in a car accident not long after. And Amelia is lost and adrift. Then a special edition book by N. E. Endsley arrives from a bookstore in Michigan. Amelia can’t imagine how it found its way to her, but she is certain it has something to do with Jenna. So she takes a trip to Michigan to see what Jenna might be trying to tell her.


I don’t know that I have the words to do this justice. I was captivated from the first page. Just reading through the summary above makes me want to pick the book up again and dive in. I thought I knew roughly how the story would play out, but I was surprised time and time again in so many perfect ways. If I had to choose an exemplary “perfect” book for me, this would be one example. Characters, setting, heart, story – every piece was a perfect fit for me.

I loved Amelia and the main characters of the story. The book store in Michigan sounds like a place I could get lost in for days. The author’s descriptions – of the Orman books, of Amelia’s pictures, of her connection to her closest friends – drew me in. Sometimes a book’s prose will capture my attention, pulling me out of the story with lovely turns of phrase. Instead, in this book, the writing was so fantastic it pulled me further into the story. I lost track of the reading experience and just lived in the story for awhile. It was magical.

Every piece, every page, every bit. Lovely. Perfect. Exceptional. This will be one of the 2021 books that will stick with me for years to come. (Language, TW: grief/loss)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

*♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best

REVIEW: Get a Clue by Tiffany Schmidt


Huck’s intentions were good. He can’t help his highly observational nature. With so few people in the class, it was obvious the instructor was refusing to call on girls in the class. Huck offered to speak up, but the instructor’s primary target said no. So Huck took the video as proof to share with his friends from his old school.

He never meant to post it.
He never meant for it to go viral.
He never meant for a picture of one of his classmates to be turned into a slew of unflattering memes.

So Huck is learning from his mistake. He’s keeping his mouth closed and his observations mostly to himself. He’s doing extra work with Ms. Gregoire and also reading Sherlock Holmes. And he’s pining for his crush, Win, who goes to another school. Any excuse he can find to hang out with Win’s older brother Curtis, Huck takes so he can maybe see Win.

Huck’s observational skills get a workout with Win’s family. There are a lot of unspoken things in the family that are practically screaming at Huck. He saw what happened last time he tried to fix something.

But when Huck discovers someone is pulling a smear campaign on Win that is costing him friends, the trust of his family, and a chance to transfer to Huck’s school, he promises Win he’s going to figure out the mystery. Just like Holmes would. Although that means Huck needs to stay objective about the case. No dating Win until the mystery is solved.


I was devastated to read this would be the last of the Bookish Boyfriends series, “at least for now” according to the author. I have adored this series from the first book. Each new book is my “series fave” – until the next book is released. Books 2 and 3 were in my most favorite of favorites lists for the years when I read them. I adore the premise of the series, the characters, the humor, the charm, the books, and the romances.

Huck feels like a young Shawn Spencer (from the show Psych) although with more emotional insight and self-awareness. His observational skills are (usually) brilliant and on target. He’s also charming like Shawn (and unlike Sherlock Holmes), so he’s adorable, someone you are cheering for from the beginning.

I loved the mystery in this. It was a pretty intense situation for such a fun and funny series. It made for a lovely contrast. And the severity really highlights some of the issues Win is dealing with. Huck learns some good lessons about boundaries as he wrestles with the best course of action to both solve the mystery and protect Win.

The emotional and relational pieces of the story are excellent as always. All of my favorite series characters are here. The interplay is great; the chemistry between Win and Huck is delightful. And I loved watching what it meant to Win to have someone who really sees him and believes him in his corner, fighting with and for him.

If every teenager named in this book was given a story of their own, I would buy every last one. This series is such a breath of fresh air for me. It always makes me laugh and always leaves me with warm feelings about the main couple. These are perfect examples of comfort books – the ones you go back to time and time again because you know they will provide the perfect escape. Do not miss the fourth book in this incredible series.

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding

REVIEW: Rome Reframed by Amy Bearce

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Jolly  Fish Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. ]


Lucas Duran is 3 days away from getting his wish and going HOME. He and his family have been traveling around Europe for months while his college professor parents do research for a new book. Lucas has missed a chunk of his 8th grade year, including his last season of middle school soccer, and he’s just ready to be done.

Lucas was assigned a travel journal project for three of his teachers to get credit for 8th grade. But in a family of brainiacs, it’s hard for him to feel motivated when he knows his little brothers could probably do better work.

On Lucas’s last few days in Rome, though, he finds out his poor work has left him in danger of failing 8th grade and being held back. If he doesn’t want to be any more behind his friends when he gets back, he has to ace his final journal entries.

When a strange old palm reader gives Lucas an unusual coin and special tickets to the Colosseum, Lucas finds it weird. But he can’t pass up the chance to fix his grade and save his future. He’s in for a surprise, though, when the coin heats up and transports him back in time to experience history first hand.


This was outstanding! It has such a great voice, and the writing caught my attention right away. I knew from the early pages that I was in for a treat. I didn’t realize there was already a book in this Wish and Wander series – Paris on Repeat. There’s a teaser at the end of this book for a third installment, too. I’m excited to check those out.

It would be hard to beat the cast of this book! (It looks like each book in the series stands alone.) I loved Lucas and his family and his Italian friend, Vivi. At the beginning, I thought Lucas was a stereotypical underachiever. But there’s a richness to his story – the identities he’s layered on like sweaters that lead him to quit before he even starts something. I loved watching Lucas grow into his self-awareness and start to shed the false identities and ideas about himself. His boldness grows over the course of the book, and I loved it.

The time travel episodes are a means to an end – Lucas’s growth – rather than the focus of the book, which I enjoyed. I was captivated by the personal growth emphasis. The target audience for the book is 10 to 14 year olds, which I believe is an under-served group in publishing. I’m so happy to add this to my list of titles to recommend to readers in this age group. There’s a bit of romance to the book – feelings, hand holding – and a depth to Lucas’s journey that are a great fit for older middle grade readers.

Don’t miss this one!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Cast in Firelight by Dana Swift

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Delacorte Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When she was 8 and he was 9, Adraa met Jatin for the first time. Their parents talked about the betrothal while Adraa and Jatin were talking about magic and getting to know one another. To say that first meeting didn’t go well would be an understatement.

Now, nine years later, Jatin has finished his magical schooling. He has mastered all 9 types of magic. And he loves rubbing it into Adraa’s face when he sends her periodic “love notes” with secret, sarcastic messages in them. Adraa, as a future ruler/maharani of Wickery, can’t rule unless she can master all 9 as well. She has 45 days to get a handle on the last piece of magic.

But Adraa has other priorities than magic practice. She’s been undercover on a mission sanctioned by Jatin’s father, going by the name Jaya Smoke. She can pull it off now because no one really knows she’s the next Maharani. But once she’s 18 that all changes, so she has to work fast if she is going to uncover the seedy things going on in her country.

Jatin has met “Jaya,” but he has no idea she is his betrothed, Adraa. And that’s okay because she thinks Jatin is his own friend and guard Kalyan. And while neither knows who the other is, they team up on Jaya’s undercover mission, one far more dangerous than future royalty should be tackling on their own.


This was fantastic! I loved the secret identity story line even though it was obviously going to cause trouble eventually. I also loved the magic system and the world-building for this. I was completely engrossed, right from the beginning. This is exactly the sort of YA fantasy I love.

I loved Jatin and Adraa, both as individuals and as a potential couple. They are so good with and for each other!

The larger mystery that Jatin and Adraa are investigating takes awhile to develop. And in an instant it becomes  far more than it seems to be early on. I was waiting for some big shift, and got more than I bargained for. There isn’t a cliffhanger per se in this; you get to some level of resolution. But it’s really more of a breathing spot before launching into whatever book 2 will have in store. I can’t wait to read it and see what happens next for these characters. Book 2, Bound by Firelight, is currently scheduled to release in 2022.

I highly recommend this one for fans of YA fantasy!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: You Have a Match by Emma Lord

[I received a free electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books/St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


When Abby takes a DNA test to be supportive of her best friend (and crush) Leo, she never expects it will shake every foundation of her life. But when the results come in, it says she has a sister. A full-blooded, older sister.

When Abby and Savvy meet up in secret, it’s obvious the results are accurate. The questions start piling up – why did Abby’s parents place Savvy for adoption? How are they connected to Savvy’s adoptive family? Why have they kept this secret from Abby her whole life?

Abby decides to meet Savvy at Camp Reynolds for the summer. It meets her parents’ insistence on academic recovery work, but it will also let the girls dig into this mystery and get to know one another for the first time.


Emma Lord is now a must-read author for me. Last year I fell in love with her delightful debut, Tweet Cute. And now I have fallen again for Abby and Leo and Savvy and Mickey and Finn and the rest. This was a start-to-finish read for me. It’s funny, suspenseful, and emotionally touching. It’s everything I want when I sit down with a YA novel. I can’t wait to read it again. And again. (In fact, the minute I finished reading the ARC, I pre-ordered my own copy.)

The family story was the hook for me. There are other things happening in the story – Abby’s feelings for Leo, the pressures from her parents regarding school, the camp, her reluctance to share her photography with others, her grief over the loss of her grandfather, and her questions about the future. And every one of those pieces was beautifully handled and part of the joy that is this book. But I was all in on the relationship between Abby and Savvy and on finding out the truth of their story. And it was so satisfying! There were moments when I couldn’t read fast enough to take in everything as quickly as I wanted to.

“Comfort reads” are a real thing, especially in these weird days. These are the books you know you love and you go back to them over and over to enjoy sinking into a great story with great characters. I have many YA comfort reads – Tweet Cute, 10 Blind Dates, Prince in Disguise and more. And now You Have a Match. The writing, the characters, the story, the humor, the heart – all of it was fantastic. YA fans do not want to miss this one! (Language, LGBTQ+)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥ = Outstanding!

REVIEW: Talk Nerdy to Me by Tiffany Schmidt


Eliza’s best friend, Merrilee Campbell (A Date with Darcy), is convinced their English teacher, Ms. Gregoire, is magic. But science-minded Eliza knows that is not remotely possible. Merrilee and her sister, Rory (The Boy Next Story), believe Ms. Gregoire gives students books that magically come true in their lives. But that’s ridiculous.

Not willing to take any chances, though, Eliza chooses Frankenstein as her free reading choice for class. Ms. Gregoire is reluctant to let Eliza go with that book, but Eliza is confident that its lack of romance and its emphasis on science make it the perfect choice.

As Eliza digs into the assignment, she’s also trying to keep up on her parents’ ever-increasing demands. They are world-famous scientists currently working at the South Pole. They monitor Eliza through exacting logs, a personal tracker, and the grad student they have watching her at the house. Her 89% on a recent math test has them concerned. They want her to beef up her study habits as well as add an extracurricular – from three choices they feel would be appropriate. She chooses Quiz Bowl team, not expecting to find Curtis there.

Curtis is the sophomore class’s Class Clown. He always has a joke or zinger at the ready. How is HE on the Quiz Bowl team?

Soon Eliza’s assumptions – about her English assignment, her parents’ expectations, and even Curtis – are going to be challenged in ways she can’t begin to imagine.


I have been crazy for the Bookish Boyfriends series since I first heard the plot of book 1!  And this book is no exception. I’ve been eager to read Eliza’s story since Merrilee’s book. Her parents’ controlling behavior is stunning. I wanted to know more about why they were like that and why Eliza put up with it. She’s also been putting up with Curtis since the first book. So this was my chance to see that relationship explored. It was so satisfying!

Curtis and his siblings are my favorite characters from this book, although I also love the whole ensemble. But Curtis is a perfect contrast for Eliza’s controlled and controlling life. He’s fun and sweet and endearing. He’s also confident enough to ask for what he wants and stand up for his right to be treated with kindness, courtesy, and honesty. This is my favorite pair in the series – at least for today. I think I say it every time I finish a book in the series!

There is no element of anyone trying to figure out how Ms. Gregoire does what she does. And I’m loving that. They accept it as part of life and just watch to see what happens. Each book in the series so far explores two pieces of literature. The second book in this one is Anne of Green Gables.

We already know where book four – Get a Clue – is headed. I am looking forward to seeing what happens when Huck and Curtis’ brother, Win, team up to solve a mystery à la Sherlock Holmes. That is currently scheduled to release in January 2021. I already have it sitting in my online shopping cart. These are characters I already love. And a new book gives me the perfect excuse to go back and re-read the whole series over Christmas.

Fans of YA romance, especially with a lot of book love and a touch of magic, should not miss this series!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥♥= Outstanding, Fantastic

REVIEW: Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley and HarperTeen in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.]


After the Twenty-Five Year War, Emperor Atar Faroshi unified the quadrant. All of the prime families came together in peace. While the Emperor has never had children, he has also never named a successor. And now he is dying.

Captain Alyssa Farshot of the Vagabond Quest is an explorer. In fact, she just received accolades from the Explorer’s Society. Hungover from the celebration, she wakes to a communication from her Uncle Charlie, the envoy to the Emperor, also known as “Uncle Atar” to Alyssa.

Atar cannot name Alyssa Empress – even if she wanted the job, which she absolutely does NOT. Instead he names her crownchaser for the Faroshi family.

There hasn’t been a crownchase in hundreds of years. When there is one, a royal seal is hidden somewhere in the empire. Each of the prime families chooses a crownchaser to hunt it down. Whoever finds the seal and returns with it will be crowned.

While a religious zealot Alyssa trusts about as far as she can throw him holds the throne, six crownchasers, childhood friends and rivals, begin their quest to explore a 1,000-planet area, solve puzzles, meet challenges, and find the seal in order to become the new leader of the quadrant.


Outstanding. Stunning. Perfect. Magical.

This could well be my top book of 2020. I loved every moment with this book. I would start reading it again right now if I didn’t have 70 ARCs waiting for my attention.

This is a science fiction story, which is the first mark in its favor. I love sci-fi. There are interesting planets, space battles, aliens, and futuristic technology. It was awesome!

The characters are another mark in the book’s favor.  I loved Alyssa. The early chapters of this have a Polaris Rising feel to them. (Another mark in the book’s favor.) The biggest difference is that while Ada (Polaris Rising) is all about masking her emotions and controlling her responses, Alyssa is more what-you-see-is-what-you-get. She’s just as smart and strong and skilled. But she’s more irreverent and impulsive than Ada. I love both characters.

Then there’s the stellar (pardon the pun) plot. It felt familiar, but I never could place what this reminds me of. There’s a reluctant royals piece – something I love and read often. Then there’s a competition. It’s not meant to be a last-one-standing deal like The Hunger Games, but the stakes are high. There’s also the fact that Alyssa doesn’t want to win. She competes out of obligation. She’s more focused on the process than the end goal. She wants a good outcome for the future of the quadrant. She cares about how people are doing and about fixing the problems she can. But she isn’t a win-at-all-costs sort of person. She mostly just wants to get back to her life.

The ending is excellent! I wanted book 2 in my hands immediately, but since the book just released two days ago, that is not going to happen for awhile. I had to settle for having my own print copy, which I ordered immediately after finishing this.

Science fiction fans, YA fans, reluctant royal fans, and competition story fans should snatch up a copy and clear their schedules for a few days (or a few hours) to dive into this one. I could go on and on about how much I adored this book! (Language, LGBTQ+, science fiction violence – blasters, space battles, etc.)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥+++*

*♥♥♥♥♥+++ = Best of the best