BOOK NEWS: March 8, 2022

More new books out this week – some fun ones to add to my list!

Books for Older Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Green Arrow: Stranded (Graphic Novel) – Teen Oliver Queen is alone and stranded on a desert island.
Those Kids from Fawn Creek – A new girl in a small town shakes things up at the middle school
Great or Nothing – A reimagined Little Women where each sister, including the late Beth, tells her own story.
One for All – A re-imagined Three Musketeers. After her father’s death, Tania goes to finishing school only to discover it is a secret training school for female Musketeers. This is on my review list!

Books for Adults

If You Ask Me (Trade Paperback) – When a sweet advice columnist discovers her husband’s cheating, she takes her frustration to her column in a brutally honest way that leads her to go viral. I’ve pre-ordered this one!
The Suite Spot (Trade Paperback) – When a single mom is fired for something she didn’t do, she takes the first opportunity she finds – helping a grouch build a hotel while she rebuilds her life.

REVIEW: Gina and the Big Secret by Judd Winick


In an effort to save the Nestor, Gina accidentally allowed the world to get “broken.” The Nestor changed Earth’s history. Now, Gina, Lisa, Hilo, and DJ are on a new Earth – where magic has ruled for 100,000 years.

But a new Earth means changes for Lisa and DJ’s family as well as oppression for humans. They NEED to change everything back. But the kids quickly discover they are up against numerous foes in their quest to set Earth right.


This was so fun! Great characters in a new story with some laugh-out-loud moments, tons of action, and new adventures to come in book 9, Gina and the Last City on Earth (2023). I love how meaty these books are – so much for readers to enjoy, both visually and in the story itself.

Series fans will have a lot to love here with old friends and new. Newcomers will enjoy this more if they at least go back to book 7, Gina: The Girl Who Broke the World which launches this new story arc. But honestly, I think any reader would be better off starting at the very beginning with book 1. This whole series is such a delight to read! And this new arc builds on what happened before. You are really missing out if you haven’t read the previous books!

Rating: ♥♥♥♥*

*♥♥♥♥ = Great! Might re-read.


The book I was going to review today was a total bust for me, so I don’t have something new to post.

But in preparation for Friday’s review of Gina and the Big Secret, here’s a link to the first book in this new story arc for the delightful Hilo graphic novel series for kids, Gina: The Girl Who Broke the World.