REVIEW: Relentless by Tera Lynn Childs and Tracy Deebs


After the events of Powerless, Kenna and her friends are in trouble. Rebel’s dad took her and she is acting completely out of character. Draven has  been captured and arrested. He’ll have a sham of a trial so Rex Malone can make an example of him. Kenna’s mom is still missing.

Kenna is determined to find the truth and bring down the “heroes” who have been killing villains and dealing in secrets and lies. With the revelations from Powerless – and more yet to come – her team might have a chance to make things right. Or everything could blow up in their faces.


It’s hard to summarize the second book in a duology (at least, I think this is the end of this series) without giving away some of the important plot twists from book one. This story picks up just a few weeks after the end of Powerless. The characters deal with the immediate issue of their friends’ captures, but the rest of the book is devoted to dealing with the main danger of heroes run amok with mad plans for power and control.

Kenna’s team has come together nicely. There are a couple new romantic relationships (including a gay couple) in the team which increases the tension and danger as they work their plans to take down the bad guys. Everyone is at risk. And there’s no guarantee everyone will make it out of the final confrontations alive.

I liked the blurring of the lines between “hero” and “villain” in both of these books. Kenna goes from a black and white thinker to someone who sees the shades of grey. So she realizes everyone with powers has potential to use their gifts to help others or to pursue their own ends. I wonder what criteria is used in this world for powered people to be marked as villain or hero.

The ending felt a little abrupt. I thought there might be a third book to sort out all the issues the group is facing. But in the end, all of the loose ends wrap up  (even though I would have liked more back story and some blanks in history filled in). Great action packed conclusion! (Some language)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥

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